Number of Pages: 318
Publisher: St. Martin’s Press
Date Of Original Publication: 2005
ISBN #:0-312-32064-7
Hey everyone first book review here, hope you enjoy it. I just finished this non-fiction novel, which is rare
for me, It’s called Divided Minds: Twin Sisters and Their Journey
Through Schizophrenia. I read it for my AP Psychology class, it’s a very
interesting read and fast paced.
The novel focus’s on two twins: Pamela and Carolyn and their lives as
Pamela has Schizophrenia. The novel starts when they were kids and
continues through the years until 2004.
I liked the book mainly for the twin affect. I have always admired
twins and the their ability to know each other from the inside out. This
novel shows how deep twin bonds can be deeply affected by mental
illnesses and other factors of life, as well as the sides of twins that
us outsiders normally don’t see: Twin Rivalry.
I would recommend this memoir to anyone who admires psychology,
twins, or just the schizophrenia factor. It is an easy read and it is
well organized. The only thing that I did not like about this book is
the odd transitions. Sometimes it is hard to understand what is being
illustrated, for example: What’s being said by Pamela, thought by
Pamela, or seen by Pamela through the schizophrenia, other then that I
think this novel is definitely a good read. Check it out! I did from the
local library! ;)
5 out of 5 for pure entertainment and the fast paced scenes!
I will try and get my next book review up as soon as possible. Thank
you for reading. If you have any suggestions, comments, or concerns for
me, let me know, or just simply want to talk to me. I will do book
requests. You can send me a message to me on here or E-Mail me at:
I check my yahoo account more often then Blogspot however.